New Year, New Place, New Writing

I kicked off 2023 with a new writing endeavor over at the Substack platform. I call it BLOOD HOUND, a name that literally came to me while I was sleeping. Blood Hound will be different from my Go Blindly blog in a few ways.

The posts will circulate around the topic of adoption (mine). There’s a running trope related to identity and becoming – something that sounds deep and philosophical but is really just about looking in the mirror and reporting back. I also share my DNA results and talk about how those findings influence identity. This is a mishmash of the Nature vs Nurture debate with a Hero’s Journey thrown in for action.

And, Blood Hound will be written from a personal point of view, usually in the first person. I’ve tried to stay away from that voice here as a way to maintain objectivity. I haven’t always succeeded. Sometimes it isn’t warranted. But Blood Hound is as personal as it gets, so be warned if you prefer a few degrees between writer and reader.

I’ve been searching for my biological parents and their ancestors for decades. What I’m writing about in Blood Hound is an accumulation of old reflections, new questions and unsolved puzzles. Not every adopted person is as curious as me. But that’s me, a big part of my identity. I love the traveling.

Join me at Blood Hound.

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